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2024 International Bridge Conference

CHI Consulting Engineers

Below is a summary of the details presented at the 2024 International Bridge Conference in San Antonio, TX of the innovative high-load jacking frames for the Pulaski Skyway project.

Under Contract 8B, the steel truss bearings and rocker bents between Piers 44 and 56 of the Pulaski Skyway are slated for replacement with new HLMR bearings, totaling 34 bearings and 5 rocker bents replacements. Each of these bearings is designed to support substantial dead and live loads, with the peak load reactions for a single bearing reaching around 1,100 tons for dead loads and 290 tons for live loads. To ensure a seamless and safe replacement of the bearings and rocker bents, CHI Consulting Engineers, LLC introduced advanced and efficient jacking frames and temporary supports. 

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